February 14, 2024
Mongolian National Rare Earth Corp LLC Joins the Rare Earth Industry Association
Brussels, Belgium – February 14, 2024 – The Rare Earth Industry Association (“REIA” or the “Association”) is pleased to report that Mongolian National Rare Earth Corp LLC (“MNREC” or the “Company”) has become a member of the Association.
MNREC is developing the Khalzan Buregtei (“KB”) heavy-rare-earth project in Khovd province, Mongolia. The Company is working to complete its Preliminary Feasibility Study Report in August 2024.
Mr. Purevtuvshin Tsooj, Project Leader at MNREC commented, “Joining REIA is an important part of our engagement with international investors and rare-earth community as we approach to finish and issue the PFS in August 2024. Given the significance and importance of KB Project to Mongolian economy and regional development, MNREC visions to develop the project with the involvement of various investors from our third neighbours. REIA will be the most suitable platform to inform about our project to the world and engage with potential stakeholders.”
Dr. Badrinath Veluri, President of REIA, commented, “We are very pleased to welcome MNREC as the newest member of our organisation. The development of new sources of heavy rare earths is of particular interest to our existing members. We look forward to working with MNREC and to building a strong relationship”.
About Mongolian National Rare Earth Corp LLC
Mongolian National Rare Earth Corp LLC is a Mongolia-based private company conducting exploration and development of Khalzan Buregtei (“KB”) heavy-rare-earth project in Khovd province, Mongolia. The KB project is known for its large volume of heavy rare earths including dysprosium and terbium. MNREC is working to complete its Preliminary feasibility study report (“PFS”) in August 2024. Wood Pty and RMP Global from Australia is leading the PFS with aim to produce mixed rare earth oxide in the Western part of Mongolia which will be the first of its kind processing complex. KB project’s final sellable product is mixed rare earth oxide that includes Dy, Tb, Nd and Pr. Learn more at www.mnrec.mn
About the Rare Earth Industry Association (REIA)
The Rare Earth Industry Association (“REIA” or the “Association”) is a global, Belgium-based not-for-profit organization founded in 2019. REIA’s mission is to serve, promote and advance the sustainable development of the global rare-earth-element (“REE”) value chain. The Association’s more than 80 members are drawn from across the entire REE value chain, including public and private companies, research and academic institutions, government entities, policy makers and other stakeholders. REIA is currently developing a framework and guidelines to help standardize ESG reporting accepted by upstream, midstream and downstream participants. The Association provides its members with a platform for networking and benchmarking; for making their voice heard by policy makers, regulators and other key stakeholders; for finding potential partners and collaborators; for accessing and sharing data, information and best practices; and gaining visibility and highlighting their engagement towards a more sustainable supply chain.
Alexandra Cristina Donea
Communication and Office Assistant
Rare Earth Industry Association