Product Category Rules (PCR) - Rare-Earth Concentrates, Oxides, Metals, and Magnets
What is Product Category Rules (PCR)?
Why is it important to have Product Category Rules (PCR) for rare earths?
PCRs do not exist yet for all products in all sectors, which makes it difficult for many companies to compare and to communicate the environmental performance of their products. In particular, there were no PCRs available for assessing the environmental impacts of rare-earth-element (REE) processing across the entire supply chain. To address this issue, a committee of scientific and industrial experts collaborated to develop the PCRs presented in the current work, providing a framework for assessing the environmental performance of the entire REE supply chain.

The purpose of the present work is to provide a comprehensive overview of the PCRs for REE oxides (REOs), REE metals, and REE magnets. It will also explain how industrial organisations across all nodes of the entire supply chain, from mine to oxide production, oxide to metal conversion, and metal to magnet manufacturing, can utilize the associated PCR document to assess and improve their environmental impact. The present work will highlight the key features of the PCR document for conducting an LCA for every product category of the entire REE supply chain.