REIA Partner Event: MDSM 2025
DATE : February 18 - 20, 2025
LOCATION : Tallahassee, Florida, USA
The MDSM is the world's leading conference & expo focused on the latest technical advancements in motor, drive systems, motion control, magnetic applications, technology, and rare earth materials.
This is a once-a-year opportunity for professionals to hear world-class content in design, efficiency, and application advancements in automation, robotics, manufacturing, utilities, automotive, medical, consumer, aerospace & defense industries.
Motor & Drive Systems Track
Motor & Drive Systems is focused on the latest technical advancements impacting the design, integration, and efficiency of motor, drive systems, and motion control for automation, robotics, manufacturing, and industrial, as well as utilities and automotive applications. Join leading engineers, manufacturers, system integrators, product developers, consultants, and executives and discover how new technologies are improving performance and providing cost savings in a variety of applications.
Magnetics & Critical Materials Track
Hear economic developments and technical advancements in the magnetics and rare earth materials markets. Learn the latest in magnetic applications, design, technology, and material development, as well as global issues on supply chain, economics, and policy. Discover the latest techniques, equipment, and materials involved in the performance and control of these materials. Learn from leading technical innovators to help optimize system and product performance in diverse applications.