Event Details

REIA Event: How Resilient is the Rare Earth Supply Chain?

DATE : September 16 - 17, 2021


Rare Earth market is like driving on a bumpy road with frequent price fluctuations, supply chain uncertainty and unpredictable demand forecast. 

Will there be enough supply to meet the unprecedented demand expected in the near future? How will prices react to these developments? How resilient is the REE supply chain as resilience is defined as the capacity to supply enough of a given material to satisfy the demand and to provide suitable alternatives in case of insufficient supply? 

Key components of resilience in the RE sector include diversification of supply through investments in new mines, separation and transformation facilities across the world as well as recycling.

REIA proposes to delve into these topics at its next event which will take place on 16 September from 1 to 3pm (CET)

Programme agenda

Subject to change

13.00-13.05 Welcome speech and Introduction by Badrinath Veluri, REIA President
13.05-13.20 RE now and tomorrow: Graphs and Stats, Leslie Liang, Roskill China
13.20-13.35 Keynote speech: Trends, growth and adoption of EVs globally, and the impact on underlying PrNd demand, Gaius King, Fox-Davies Capital Ltd
13.35-13.45 Q&A moderated by Thomas Kruemmer, Director, GITI
13.45-14.40 Panel Discussion: Resilience of the Rare Earth Supply Chain Moderator: Thomas Kruemmer, GITI Singapore Panelists: Carlo Burkhardt, Pforzheim University, Germany Julie M Klinger, University of Delaware, Author of “Rare Earth Frontiers: From Terrestrial Subsoils to Lunar Landscapes” Gareth Hatch, Chairman & CEO of Innovation Metals Corp. AND Managing Director of Strategic Materials Advisors Ltd, U.K Peter Afiuny, Executive Vice President, Urban Mining Company, USA
14.40-14.55 Q&A and Conclusion by Thomas Kruemmer
14.55-15.00 Vote of thanks, Florence Gomez, CCO, REIA
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